he way down ?”and took another. “There’ll be something nasty at the bottom,I shouldn’t wonder,”he said,and finished the drink. He licked his lips and remarked to the children, “This’ll be a test,you see. If I curl up,or burst,or turn into a lizard,or something,then you’ll know not to take anything they offer you.”But the giant,who was too far up to hear the things Puddleglum had been saying under his breath,roared with laughter and said,“Why,Froggy,you’re a man. See him put it away !”
“Not a man...Marsh-wiggle,”replied Puddleglum in a somewhat indistinct voice. “Not frog either:Marsh-wiggle.”
At that moment the door opened behind them and the younger giant came in saying,“They’re to go to the throne-room at once.”
The children stood up but Puddleglum remained sitting and said,“Marsh-wiggle. Marsh-wiggle. Very respectable Marsh-wiggle. Respectowiggle.”
“Show them the way,young’un,”said the giant Porter. “You’d better carry Froggy. He’s had a drop more than’s